Here at GLA, we all feel very fortunate to work from home with adult learners across Ontario. While our workday and duties haven’t changed as much as most, we are looking at ways to further support learners, onsite programs and partners through this time of Social Distancing.
They say “necessity is the mother of invention” and we have seen that with our DOI2T team and their incredible efforts pivot our equipment used for adult learning into the ability to supply communities and organizations with PPE equipment. For our staff at home, one of the necessities has been finding ways to have human contact in our online world.
Nida is one of our mentors and instructors at Good Learning Anywhere. She also has recently completed her Yoga teacher certification, so with less contact offline and out in the world, she offered to try and run online Yoga sessions for our staff. This was definitely stepping outside of our comfort zone, as we are used to sitting at a desk while interacting online…so setting up our computer so we can see from our Yoga mat is new. Nida worked with a few of our staff to figure out the best platform, do a trial session and worked out the best way to invite the staff.
I joined the yoga session for the first time today and was surprised at how happy I was to see the faces of my colleagues and a glimpse into their life. Nida led us through some gentle stretches, some yoga poses and then a lovely meditation on hands.
We are all learning, whether voluntarily or by necessity, these days. Today I learned a useful tip – You can “Pin” a picture in Google Hangouts. This helped a lot for enlarging Nida’s video so I could see it from a distance.
Thank you, Nida, for reaching out to us, encouraging us to get up from our computers and sharing your talent with us!
SHLC staff