Please join us in congratulating Zane Allison on being SHLC’s April 2023 Learner of the Month.

Zane was nominated by Julie, from Good Learning Anywhere. Here is an excerpt of what Julie included in her nomination.

I am nominating Zane as he entered our program at the beginning of March with the goal to obtain knowledge and some proficiency in speaking the Anishinaabemowin language.


He indicated on his ABOUT YOU assessment that he thought he may be challenged in staying committed long term. Well, Zane has met this challenge and crushed it! He has completed 3 of the 5 available language classes and is enrolled in the 4th one which begins the first week of May. He participates regularly, even with having to sign in twice (on a computer and on his phone, in order to use the microphone). He consistently contributes to class discussions and asks questions for clarification.


These characteristics all make Zane a great candidate for April learner of the month.

We decided to ask Zane some questions so we could share more about his story with you.

How did you first hear about online learning with Good Learning Anywhere?

I was recommended a class by my mother.

Did you have any struggles during your learning? If so, how did you overcome them?

Staying consistent with the classes was my biggest challenge, its easy to not show up and just review the classes afterwards. The best part of this for me was connecting with my teachers and instructors during the live classes.

What advice do you have for someone thinking about starting to improve their skills?

The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, the second best time is today. I was worried about not knowing enough to start, but you’ll never be ready, so just do it.

What is your greatest achievement? Or what accomplishment are you most proud of?

Getting to where I am on my healing journey through reconnecting with my culture. Picking up the things our ancestors left on their trail.

What are your goals for the future?

To get my masters in Indigenous Governance.

Is there anyone you would like to thank for supporting you on this journey?

My parents, my sisters, the teachers, and instructors on this wonderful platform.

Is there anything else you would like to share with people about winning this award?

How great this organization is for offering free and accessible cultural education to anyone with access to a computer.

Congratulations Zane! All the best in 2023!