Please join us in congratulating Faron Hill-Lyon on being SHLC’s November 2022 Learner of the Month.
Faron was nominated by his mentor, Sharon. Here is an excerpt of what Sharon submitted to us about Faron.
Faron has not been with GLA long, but he has left a big impact on me. Even though he is homeless and staying at a shelter, he is still putting in a good effort. He is striving to better himself and his situation. He has a lot of extenuating circumstances that would cause many to give up. Anita informed me that he is also very diligent about going to Adult High School to work on obtaining his diploma. He is trying hard to stay away from bad influences, but he is struggling, therefore, Anita tells me he is always grateful when she tells him he can come in even when the center is closed to other people, and that he is respectful and hardworking while he is there. I am hoping Faron with Anita’s support and our encouragement, will stay on the right track and be able to move forward in a positive way. I think being nominated, would be an extra boost that will hopefully, help Faron feel proud of himself.
We decided to ask Faron some questions so we could share more about his story with you.
How did you first hear about online learning with Good Learning Anywhere?
Noreen Bergen told me about it when we were talking about driving courses.
Did you have any struggles during your learning? If so, how did you overcome them?
Not really. I read, and it has detailed examples I related to from the Driver’s handbook.
What advice do you have for someone thinking about starting to improve their skills?
Compare what you know and what you read.
What is your greatest achievement? Or what accomplishment are you most proud of?
Continuing to learn. You’re never too old to keep learning.
What are your goals for the future?
Try to get a proper home.
Is there anyone you would like to thank for supporting you on this journey?
Everybody at Sioux-Hudson Literacy Council.
Is there anything else you would like to share with people about winning this award?
I’m glad I made progress and am defining a direction in my life.
Congratulations Faron! All the best in 2023!