GLA Blog

Meet our Annual Award Winners: Barbara & Mabungu

Meet our Annual Award Winners: Barbara & Mabungu

For the first time in GLA’s history, we actually have two recipients for the same annual award. Please allow us to introduce you to Barbara and Mabungu, co-winners of the Lois Gray Award for Achievement. Learner: Barbara Lyle Nominated by: Wendy Somerville GLA Online...

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March Learner of the Month: Joel

March Learner of the Month: Joel

Congratulations to Joel Mongeau; GLA’s March Learner of the Month. Joel stood out to GLA as a dedicated learner while taking the Live online course, Creative Writing. He attended and fully participated in every session. During the class, his instructor told us that he...

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February Learner of the Month: Kelly

February Learner of the Month: Kelly

Kelly attends the onsite LBS program Valley Adult Learning Association (VALA) in Fort Frances, Ontario(350 km West of Thunder Bay) as a client of WSIB.  His onsite instructor at VALA, Kim, shares the following: Kelly worked for many years in the heating and air...

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January Learner of the Month: Rose

January Learner of the Month: Rose

Meet Rose! Though in her 70’s, she began a path of self-improvement this past fall by enrolling in Good Learning Anywhere.  She has drive and determination to achieve a Bachelor’s degree no matter how long it might take. Since last fall, she has completed 5 SABA live...

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2018 Annual Award Nominations

2018 Annual Award Nominations

It’s that time of year again where we nominate learners for our two annual awards! This is truly a very special time for our program as we have the opportunity to hear all the amazing success stories from our learners. In 2010, Sioux-Hudson Literacy Council named two...

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Take Your Child to Work Day

Take Your Child to Work Day

On Wednesday, November 1st, 2017, one of our staff members, Julie Mallon had the opportunity to take her son, Kieran, to work for the day. Below is a reflection of their day written by Julie Mallon. Today I had my Grade 9, 14-year-old son Kieran “come” to work with...

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