GLA Blog

June Learner of the Month: Jessica Williams

June Learner of the Month: Jessica Williams

Finding your style is like putting puzzle pieces together.      - Lara Spencer   Every person that registers with Good Learning Anywhere (GLA) is assigned a mentor. Being a mentor means being many things - teacher, coach, friend and even cheerleader. In the...

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May Learner of the Month: Cathy Davis

May Learner of the Month: Cathy Davis

Cathy Davis is a self-described “late-bloomer” when it comes to using technology.  Cathy found her way to Good Learning Anywhere (GLA) to learn more about computers and the Internet. She has a specific goal - to be better at her new job setting up computers for exams...

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2020 Ivy Tabobandung Award for Leadership

2020 Ivy Tabobandung Award for Leadership

Sioux-Hudson Literacy Council (SHLC) and Good Learning Anywhere (GLA) are proud to announce the recipient of the 2020 Ivy Tabobandung Award of Leadership will be going to Kelsey Murphy. Kelsey began taking classes with Good Learning Anywhere back in September 2017....

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2020 Lois Gray Award for Achievement

2020 Lois Gray Award for Achievement

Sioux-Hudson Literacy Council (SHLC) and Good Learning Anywhere (GLA) are proud to announce the recipient of the 2020 Lois Gray Award of Achievement will be going to Kathi Morrison. Kathi began taking classes with Good Learning Anywhere back in October 2018. She has...

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March Learner of the Month: Erik O.

March Learner of the Month: Erik O.

Lifelong learning. It’s a term that is used often in education, but our March Learner of the Month demonstrates what this truly means.  We would like you to meet Erik. Erik found us through the adult learning centre TR Leger and registered with Good Learning Anywhere...

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Yoga with Nida

Yoga with Nida

Here at GLA, we all feel very fortunate to work from home with adult learners across Ontario. While our workday and duties haven’t changed as much as most, we are looking at ways to further support learners, onsite programs and partners through this time of Social...

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February Learner of the Month: Aaron N.

February Learner of the Month: Aaron N.

When starting something new, the road we take is not always smooth but if we choose to stick with it we will see the rewards. This is the case for our February Learner of the Month. When Aaron first registered there were issues with getting access to start his course....

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Online Classes Remain Open During COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Online Classes Remain Open During COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

We know this is a stressful time. We want to let you know that Good Learning Anywhere is open and that your online courses with GLA will continue to be available. Online learning is a great way to stay mentally active while practicing social distancing. Registration...

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January Learner of the Month: Sara

January Learner of the Month: Sara

We are excited to introduce you to the first Learner of the Month winner of 2020.  Sara registered with Good Learning Anywhere in late September and has been working intensely through her selected courses since then. Her course selection spans across all of the online...

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